16 km - Kungsstenen, Forest and countryside
02 mei 2022 
in Routes

16 km - Kungsstenen, Forest and countryside

This route goes through forest and farmland and leads past kung stones and ancient remains.

 The route starts through forest and includes small hills. After you have passed through a farming area, you return along a (quiet) paved road.

Ok, let's start! First cross the dam and follow the main path 3 km till you reach the Fredsstenen.

At the end of the path you will find the Fredsstenen, here peace was made by Sweden and Danmark in 1613. Turn right on the main road.

 After 250 meters turn left on the country road. Note, the house to your right sells home made honey. Never tried it though. Did you? Leave a comment and tell ys what you think of it.

Follow the road into the forest for about 1.5 km. You will find some typical old Swedish farms.

Tip, underway you pass this crossing. You have to follow the road but when you turn right you have a nice view of a meander in the small river 'Sjöaredsbäcken'.

Bet you could spot some wildlife early in the morning or in the evenening. Nice place to have a picknick maybe? But i could imagine there will be some mosquitos in the summer.

 We followed the main road till we reach this little bridge on our  right side. Cross the old bridge. Careful! It has seen better days.

After 100 meters turn right. Pass the house on the left and follow the road for about 2 km.

 After 2 km's you reach this old farm in Bohult where you turn left. Again follow the road for about 2km.

Along the way you will pass the bustling (  ) village of Hässlehult and cycle or walk through the farm life of Sweden.

 When you reach the (quiet) paved road turn left. Follow the road for about 2,5 km till the end.

 After 100 meter you will find The Kungsstenen on your right. Some Danish and Swedish kings met here long time ago. Almost at the ed of the road you will find some old remains of the small town Trälshult.

 Almost there, at the end of the road turn left towards Markaryd. After 3 km's turn right at the Fredsstenen and follow the road back. You can also take the small road left of the fredsstenen and follow the yellow route back.

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